For those of you that don’t personally know me, I’m a native Oregonian transplant living in the state of Kentucky with my husband of 15+ years. My agency is based in my home office, my office manager is my dog Maggie, and our assistant is Penny the cat. I also work for a healthcare company during the day, and long to break free from that corporate role, so I can focus solely on travel. This is my first edition of the Radiant Traveler Blog posting, and you are one of the first humans to read this if you're seeing this in 2022. I look forward to providing you will valuable information that may inspire you to do great things on your travel bucket list!
It’s hard to believe the end of 2022 is just around the corner, and Thanksgiving is is tomorrow. 2022 has been a great year for travelers, and the industry is bouncing back at an incredible rate, as people have an insatiable need for travel. We’re already seeing travelers book multiple trips in 2023 and trips are being planned well into 2024. If there’s one thing that the last few years has taught us, it’s to buy the ticket and take the ride (thank you, Hunter S. Thompson!).
Did you get to do what you wanted to do this year? Did you go to that beach resort with your kids? Did you take your grandmother on that cruise she’s dreamt of her whole life? What about the private vow renewal on the beach, your promised your spouse when you hit that milestone year of marriage? Don't wait. Life is too short. As an agent/advisor, I can't tell you how many times I have heard someone say, "this will be the only time we get to travel, as so-and-so was diagnosed with a terminal disease. This will be a once in a lifetime trip." The human experience is simultaneously fragile, exciting and complex. Consider taking a trip sooner in life, to embrace being whole, full of zest, and present in the here and now. What are you waiting for? The pages of the calendar will continue turning, and make no mistake, 2023 will be just as fast.
Are you at a loss for generating ideas and pinpointing the destination? Travel can be overwhelming, but don’t let that stop you from getting out and exploring our world. That’s what I’m here for, and that’s what I live for! Connecting you to awesome experiences and creating core memories! Buy the ticket and take the ride!
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